Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill Online in Lincoln County, Montana Online using this service!


How does libby deal with delinquent water/sewer bills?

Twenty days after the due date, around the 26th of the month, the city will mail out delinquent letters. There will be a $10 late fee assessed. The water will be shut off unless the bill is paid in full by the date listed in the delinquent letter. To reconnect the water, there is a $50 charge.

Community Q&A

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Service Reminders

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Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill Online in Lincoln County, Montana Online using this service!


How does libby deal with delinquent water/sewer bills?

Twenty days after the due date, around the 26th of the month, the city will mail out delinquent letters. There will be a $10 late fee assessed. The water will be shut off unless the bill is paid in full by the date listed in the delinquent letter. To reconnect the water, there is a $50 charge.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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