Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill Online in Jackson City, Michigan using this service.


When are utility bills due?

 All utility bills are due on the 10th of every month. 

What day are utilities disconnected for non-payment?

Utility bills are due on the 10th of each month. Service is discontinued after the 20th. The reinstatement charge is $30. Failure to receive your bill does not exempt customer from the penalty for a late payment.

How do I get utilities connected?

To get utilities connected, you must come to City Hall (located at 134 South Oak Street) to complete and sign a contract, pay $5 application fee and pay a deposit. You must bring picture ID, lease agreement or proof of residence. After this is completed, you may set an appointment to have your utilities connected. Call 770-775-7535 to make an appointment.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill Online in Jackson City, Michigan using this service.


When are utility bills due?

 All utility bills are due on the 10th of every month. 

What day are utilities disconnected for non-payment?

Utility bills are due on the 10th of each month. Service is discontinued after the 20th. The reinstatement charge is $30. Failure to receive your bill does not exempt customer from the penalty for a late payment.

How do I get utilities connected?

To get utilities connected, you must come to City Hall (located at 134 South Oak Street) to complete and sign a contract, pay $5 application fee and pay a deposit. You must bring picture ID, lease agreement or proof of residence. After this is completed, you may set an appointment to have your utilities connected. Call 770-775-7535 to make an appointment.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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