Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill Online in Chester City, Pennsylvania using this service!


Why is my bill so high?

You are billed according to water usage. Running toilets, leaky faucets, filling a pool or additional people occupying the home can contribute to an increase in consumption.

Do you offer a discount for early payment of a bill?

Discounts are not offered. However, a 6% late fee will be added if the bill is not paid by the due date. If the account remains unpaid by the end of the year, the unpaid balance accrues monthly interest at the rate of 6%, until paid. Additionally, the property is also subject to having a municipal lien placed against the title.

What happens if my bill isn’t paid?

When a bill goes unpaid, you are mailed a 30-day reminder notice. If the bill is not paid before that notice expires, a 10-day notice is posted to the property. If payment or satisfactory payment arrangements have not been made, then the account is sent over to Chester Water Authority for termination of service. Once that action is done, payment in full including all associated fees must be paid at the Chester Office to have water restored. Personal checks are not accepted.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill Online in Chester City, Pennsylvania using this service!


Why is my bill so high?

You are billed according to water usage. Running toilets, leaky faucets, filling a pool or additional people occupying the home can contribute to an increase in consumption.

Do you offer a discount for early payment of a bill?

Discounts are not offered. However, a 6% late fee will be added if the bill is not paid by the due date. If the account remains unpaid by the end of the year, the unpaid balance accrues monthly interest at the rate of 6%, until paid. Additionally, the property is also subject to having a municipal lien placed against the title.

What happens if my bill isn’t paid?

When a bill goes unpaid, you are mailed a 30-day reminder notice. If the bill is not paid before that notice expires, a 10-day notice is posted to the property. If payment or satisfactory payment arrangements have not been made, then the account is sent over to Chester Water Authority for termination of service. Once that action is done, payment in full including all associated fees must be paid at the Chester Office to have water restored. Personal checks are not accepted.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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