Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bills Online in Canadian City, Texas using this service!


How can my water bill be the same amount each month?

Since the City only bills in the thousands, it's not uncommon to have the same bill during the year. You may use 3,590 gallons of water, but the City will only bill 3,000 gallons of usage. Therefore, if you use 3,999 or 3,001 gallons of water, you are only billed 3,000 gallons of usage.

If my water is shut off, and I know I paid my bill, what can I do?

Please contact Customer Service at (409) 643-5923 to check on your account. If the disconnect was not generated from this office, it is possible there is a water leak in your area. Please contact the Utilities office at (409) 359-5505 or after hours, weekends and holidays at (409) 682-6846 to verify a possible leak.

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Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bill

Pay Utility Bills Online in Canadian City, Texas using this service!


How can my water bill be the same amount each month?

Since the City only bills in the thousands, it's not uncommon to have the same bill during the year. You may use 3,590 gallons of water, but the City will only bill 3,000 gallons of usage. Therefore, if you use 3,999 or 3,001 gallons of water, you are only billed 3,000 gallons of usage.

If my water is shut off, and I know I paid my bill, what can I do?

Please contact Customer Service at (409) 643-5923 to check on your account. If the disconnect was not generated from this office, it is possible there is a water leak in your area. Please contact the Utilities office at (409) 359-5505 or after hours, weekends and holidays at (409) 682-6846 to verify a possible leak.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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