Pay your Wilson County, Tennessee property taxes online using this service.


Is the City required to mail tax notices?

Tennessee law does not require the mailing of tax notices indicating the amount of taxes due. Owners of property are presumed to know that taxes are due without personal notice. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the responsibility of payment, nor is this a reason for interest and penalty charges to be dismissed if the tax bill becomes delinquent. 

When are bills for property taxes mailed?

October of each year. Property tax bills are mailed to the owner of record (as of 1 January). New owners (buyers) are responsible for ascertaining whether property taxes are due to the city. The city is not a part of any contract between buyers and sellers meaning unpaid taxes accrue against the property and not the owner. Property taxes must be paid to protect the property title from a tax sale. 

What time of year are property taxes due?

Current calendar year taxes are due and payable from 1 October of the current year through the last day of February of the ensuing year.

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Pay your Wilson County, Tennessee property taxes online using this service.


Is the City required to mail tax notices?

Tennessee law does not require the mailing of tax notices indicating the amount of taxes due. Owners of property are presumed to know that taxes are due without personal notice. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the responsibility of payment, nor is this a reason for interest and penalty charges to be dismissed if the tax bill becomes delinquent. 

When are bills for property taxes mailed?

October of each year. Property tax bills are mailed to the owner of record (as of 1 January). New owners (buyers) are responsible for ascertaining whether property taxes are due to the city. The city is not a part of any contract between buyers and sellers meaning unpaid taxes accrue against the property and not the owner. Property taxes must be paid to protect the property title from a tax sale. 

What time of year are property taxes due?

Current calendar year taxes are due and payable from 1 October of the current year through the last day of February of the ensuing year.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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