Pay Property taxes

Pay Property taxes

Pay your Morgan County, Alabama property taxes online using this service.


When are property taxes due in Morgan County, AL?

Property taxes in Morgan County, Alabama are due on October 1 of each year for the year. 

When do Morgan County Property taxes become delinquent?

Property taxes in Morgan County, Alabama will become delinquent if not paid by December 31. A Citation fee is added for delinquent payments in February. 

If I did not receive a tax bill, do I still owe taxes?

You are responsible for paying taxes on your property regardless of whether you receive a bill or if the bill is in the previous owner's name. All property taxes are due on December 31 and will be considered delinquent if not paid at that time. If you have not received a bill, you can find your property information by using the Morgan County online property search, or call the Revenue Commissioner's Office at 256-351-4690 to request a copy of the bill.

Community Q&A

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Service Reminders

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Pay Property taxes

Pay Property taxes

Pay your Morgan County, Alabama property taxes online using this service.


When are property taxes due in Morgan County, AL?

Property taxes in Morgan County, Alabama are due on October 1 of each year for the year. 

When do Morgan County Property taxes become delinquent?

Property taxes in Morgan County, Alabama will become delinquent if not paid by December 31. A Citation fee is added for delinquent payments in February. 

If I did not receive a tax bill, do I still owe taxes?

You are responsible for paying taxes on your property regardless of whether you receive a bill or if the bill is in the previous owner's name. All property taxes are due on December 31 and will be considered delinquent if not paid at that time. If you have not received a bill, you can find your property information by using the Morgan County online property search, or call the Revenue Commissioner's Office at 256-351-4690 to request a copy of the bill.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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