Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes

Pay Madison County, Mississippi Property Taxes Online using this service!


Why are my taxes so high?

Your taxes may be high (or higher than they were last year) for any or all of three general reasons.

  1. Increase in your tax rates due to lower assessments, a referendum, or a CPI increase tax levy increase.
  2. Your assessment has increased from the prior year.
  3. Your are not receiving exemptions your are entitled to.

What will happen if I don't pay my property taxes?

Your taxes will be sold at the annual tax sale.  When your taxes are sold, you will retain the right to redeem your property for two to three years, depending on the type of propertyTo redeem the taxes, you will have to pay costs and interest in addition to any tax due. Contact the Tax Redemption Department.

What should I do if my taxes have been sold?

If your taxes have been sold, you should immediately obtain an Estimate of Redemption. This is a calculation of the amount you need to pay to redeem the sale and remove the threat of loss of the property. Once you obtain the estimate, verify that it is for the correct property. You are advised to redeem the taxes immediately, as penalties and fees can increase and can multiply over time. These taxes and any fees and penalties must be paid in full; there are no payment plans applicable to redemption payments.

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Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes

Pay Madison County, Mississippi Property Taxes Online using this service!


Why are my taxes so high?

Your taxes may be high (or higher than they were last year) for any or all of three general reasons.

  1. Increase in your tax rates due to lower assessments, a referendum, or a CPI increase tax levy increase.
  2. Your assessment has increased from the prior year.
  3. Your are not receiving exemptions your are entitled to.

What will happen if I don't pay my property taxes?

Your taxes will be sold at the annual tax sale.  When your taxes are sold, you will retain the right to redeem your property for two to three years, depending on the type of propertyTo redeem the taxes, you will have to pay costs and interest in addition to any tax due. Contact the Tax Redemption Department.

What should I do if my taxes have been sold?

If your taxes have been sold, you should immediately obtain an Estimate of Redemption. This is a calculation of the amount you need to pay to redeem the sale and remove the threat of loss of the property. Once you obtain the estimate, verify that it is for the correct property. You are advised to redeem the taxes immediately, as penalties and fees can increase and can multiply over time. These taxes and any fees and penalties must be paid in full; there are no payment plans applicable to redemption payments.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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