Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes in Lauderdale County, Alabama using this online service!


What are the methods of payment to pay my taxes?

1. Taxes are due every year October 1 and are delinquent after the 31st of December.

2. Payments are made as follows:

  • In person. Come to the Revenue Commissioner's Office and make payment by cash, check, money order or debit/credit card.
  • By mail. Payments may be paid by mail.
  • Online. Search and pay online at
  • Ask your mortgage company to pay your bill.

3. If you purchased property during the year, make sure the taxes are paid. The bill will usually be in the previous owner's name since taxes are assessed for the previous year. You are responsible for taxes on property you own, regardless of how the tax bill may be listed.

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Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes in Lauderdale County, Alabama using this online service!


What are the methods of payment to pay my taxes?

1. Taxes are due every year October 1 and are delinquent after the 31st of December.

2. Payments are made as follows:

  • In person. Come to the Revenue Commissioner's Office and make payment by cash, check, money order or debit/credit card.
  • By mail. Payments may be paid by mail.
  • Online. Search and pay online at
  • Ask your mortgage company to pay your bill.

3. If you purchased property during the year, make sure the taxes are paid. The bill will usually be in the previous owner's name since taxes are assessed for the previous year. You are responsible for taxes on property you own, regardless of how the tax bill may be listed.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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