Pay Property taxes

Pay Property taxes

Pay Property taxes in Kenton County, Kentucky Online with this service.


I have sold my property this year. Why I am receiving a tax bill?

It usually occurs when a property transfer takes place just before or after the tax bills are sent to the property owners. If you have sold your property this year and have paid your part of the tax to the new owner then please forward this tax bill to the new owner. Or if you have not paid him your part of the tax bill yet then first pay him and then he will pay the remaining bill to the tax collector's office. OR if you or the new owner both don't receive the tax bill then please contact the Sherrif's Office at 859-392-1800.

My property is assessed incorrectly. What do I do?

If you feel that your property is not correctly assessed, then please contact the Property Valuation Administrator's office at 859-392-1750 for your queries about the assessment of your property. 

Where should I mail my check to pay property tax in Kenton county?

Please make your checks payable to and mail to:
Charles L. Korzenborn, Kenton County Sheriff
P.O. Box 188070
Erlanger, KY 41018-0903 

I didn't receive my tax bill. It might have sent to my previous address. Can I get a copy of my tax bill?

Yes, if you have lost or could not receive your tax bill then you can contact the Sherrif's office for a copy of your tax bill. They will send you either via fax or email.  Please contact the Sherrif's Office at 859-392-1800. 

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!

Pay Property taxes

Pay Property taxes

Pay Property taxes in Kenton County, Kentucky Online with this service.


I have sold my property this year. Why I am receiving a tax bill?

It usually occurs when a property transfer takes place just before or after the tax bills are sent to the property owners. If you have sold your property this year and have paid your part of the tax to the new owner then please forward this tax bill to the new owner. Or if you have not paid him your part of the tax bill yet then first pay him and then he will pay the remaining bill to the tax collector's office. OR if you or the new owner both don't receive the tax bill then please contact the Sherrif's Office at 859-392-1800.

My property is assessed incorrectly. What do I do?

If you feel that your property is not correctly assessed, then please contact the Property Valuation Administrator's office at 859-392-1750 for your queries about the assessment of your property. 

Where should I mail my check to pay property tax in Kenton county?

Please make your checks payable to and mail to:
Charles L. Korzenborn, Kenton County Sheriff
P.O. Box 188070
Erlanger, KY 41018-0903 

I didn't receive my tax bill. It might have sent to my previous address. Can I get a copy of my tax bill?

Yes, if you have lost or could not receive your tax bill then you can contact the Sherrif's office for a copy of your tax bill. They will send you either via fax or email.  Please contact the Sherrif's Office at 859-392-1800. 

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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