Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes Online in Boyd County, Kentucky using this service!


What is the due date for paying property tax?

 Your property taxes are payable from the beginning of October. If you pay your tax by November 1, you will get a 2% discount. A penalty of 5% will be charged if you pay between January 1 to January 31. From February 1 to April 15, you will be charged a 20% penalty.

My tax bill will be paid by my mortgage company. Then why did I receive the tax bill?

Tax bills are sent to the property owners directly. But if you have an escrow account in any mortgage company and your tax will be paid by that company, please forward your tax bill to them as soon as possible so they can pay by the due date.

How do I get information about my delinquent tax?

Before the due date, your taxes must be paid in the County Clerk's office. For the delinquent tax information, please call at (606) 739-5116 for the exact amount that is due. For current year tax and delinquent tax, checks must be separate. If you have any other queries, please visit the county's website.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!

Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes

Pay Property Taxes Online in Boyd County, Kentucky using this service!


What is the due date for paying property tax?

 Your property taxes are payable from the beginning of October. If you pay your tax by November 1, you will get a 2% discount. A penalty of 5% will be charged if you pay between January 1 to January 31. From February 1 to April 15, you will be charged a 20% penalty.

My tax bill will be paid by my mortgage company. Then why did I receive the tax bill?

Tax bills are sent to the property owners directly. But if you have an escrow account in any mortgage company and your tax will be paid by that company, please forward your tax bill to them as soon as possible so they can pay by the due date.

How do I get information about my delinquent tax?

Before the due date, your taxes must be paid in the County Clerk's office. For the delinquent tax information, please call at (606) 739-5116 for the exact amount that is due. For current year tax and delinquent tax, checks must be separate. If you have any other queries, please visit the county's website.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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