Apply for Marriage License

Apply for Marriage License

Apply for Marriage License Online in the County of Marin,California using this service!


Do I need a birth certificate to apply for a marriage license?

No. To obtain a marriage license, both partners must appear together at the County Clerk's office with valid photo identification such as a state driver's license, state ID card, or passport.

How do I know if my marriage license was registered?

The marriage officiant (clergy person or authorized individual) who performs the marriage ceremony is required, by law, to complete the marriage license and return it to the Marin County Recorder’s Office for registration within 10 days of the event.

The Marin County Recorder is the local registrar of Public Marriage Licenses.The Marin County Recorder is required to confirm that a complete and acceptable license is filed for each marriage and that each entry on the license is clear, legible and unambiguous. Once reviewed for proper completion the licenses are registered.

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Apply for Marriage License

Apply for Marriage License

Apply for Marriage License Online in the County of Marin,California using this service!


Do I need a birth certificate to apply for a marriage license?

No. To obtain a marriage license, both partners must appear together at the County Clerk's office with valid photo identification such as a state driver's license, state ID card, or passport.

How do I know if my marriage license was registered?

The marriage officiant (clergy person or authorized individual) who performs the marriage ceremony is required, by law, to complete the marriage license and return it to the Marin County Recorder’s Office for registration within 10 days of the event.

The Marin County Recorder is the local registrar of Public Marriage Licenses.The Marin County Recorder is required to confirm that a complete and acceptable license is filed for each marriage and that each entry on the license is clear, legible and unambiguous. Once reviewed for proper completion the licenses are registered.

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